Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Notes on a Wednesday

I am making some progress on the Brandywine Shawl. There are over 100 stitches between the lace borders now.

Our lettuce seedlings are doing well in the cold frame on the south-facing patio:

 The kale seedlings are also coming along nicely. We'll probably plant some out into the garden on the weekend.

The daffodils have finally quit, but with the cool weather they were perfect from before Easter until just a few days ago. The tulips are now in bloom.

Our springs seem to be getting longer and cooler these past few years. I find it hard to believe that I'm posting tulip photos on May 1st and that the flowering cherry trees aren't yet done. We still get the first snow drops at the end of January, like always, but mid-spring things now happen later. The trees in front of our place don't even have leaves yet. I know that's normal in many places, but here on the south coast of BC we're a good month behind where spring used to be.

I made myself a new lunch bag today. I've had the fabric cut out for months, but finally got around to taking out the sewing machine and actually assembling the bag. I think this is the fifth Poochie bag I've made. I don't really do fully sewing, and this pattern meets my requirements for low fuss! Thank you, Happy Zombie!

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